Amazon Fuifilment Service (Amazon FBA)

Amazon FBA Australia: Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer Amazon FBA sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. We directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these FBA products. Something we hope you’ll especially enjoy: FBA items qualify for FREE Shipping.
We also offer our FBA customers the option to use our 3PL fulfillment service to send their inventory to different Amazon fulfillment centers. If you want your product sent to an Amazon FBA fulfillment center but don’t want it stored there, you can use CSG3PL to pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service on your own.
This means that an Amazon seller can now fulfill an order from its warehouse or store using CSG3PL fulfillment service. If the order is to be fulfilled by Amazon – for example, because it was a 1-Click order – the seller can use its Seller Central account to send the item directly to an Amazon FBA fulfillment center.
By using CSG3PL, you can efficiently manage your daily average volume, reduce long-term storage fees, and streamline your shipping and handling customer service operations. We help you handle fulfillment fees and FBA fees, making selling on Amazon easier. Enhance your product listings and manage your inventory in Amazon stores with our tailored 3PL solutions.

FNSKU Labels, Poly bagging, Bubble wrap

All your packaging needs, including full-color FNSKU labels, poly bagging, and bubble wrap for Amazon fulfilment.

Bundling alongside product packaging

All your packaging needs, including bundling alongside product packaging for Amazon fulfilment.

Reworks & container loads

CSG3PL provides all your reworks & container loads for Amazon fulfilment.